Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Learn To Sea Awarded Grant for After School Club

Learn To Sea has kindly been awarded a grant by the Aune Conservation Association for an after school club to run for 5 weeks at Aveton Gifford Primary School. Here is the press release...

"Integrating land and sea: ACA awards education grant

The Aune Conservation Association (ACA) is very pleased to announce the granting of one of its John Crawford Environmental Awards to Maya Plass of ‘Learn to Sea’ for the delivery of a series of workshops in which Aveton Gifford primary school children will explore the Avon (from source to sea). It is hoped to run the programme after school later this year, with the possibility of subsequent extension.

Maya’s aims fit very closely with the ACA’s charitable objective of advancing the education of the public in the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of the river Avon in the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. More specifically, the ACA hopes the programme will encourage, in the next generation, the passion and commitment to conserve our Avon.

The workshops will start with the question “Where does the land end and the sea begin?” Through various field trips and activities it is hoped the children will learn that there is no clear separation. At the very least, they will gain a greater understanding of the local river and it’s relevance to their every day lives.

Note to Editors:

More details of the Environmental Award scheme may be found at www.auneconservation.org.uk or by contacting Stuart Watts at 01548 810373.

Maya Plass can be contacted at www.learntosea.co.uk or 07811 349966."

This is a wonderful opportunity for the children at AG and also for Learn To Sea.

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